Products export
From In-Portal User Manual
This page specifies product export options. The following options are available:
- Export format - controls the format of the exported file, currently only the CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is supported.
- Fields separated by - the field delimiter for CSV format
- Fields enclosed by - a character used to enclose field values in the CSV file
- Line endings - controls character(s) used to specify the end of lines in the output- CR (carriage return) for Unix and CRLF (carriage return + line feed) for Windows.
- Line endings inside fields - controls character(s) used to specify line breaks inside the field values, it may be different from Line endings, especially when the output is used with Microsoft Excel (it uses LF for line breaks inside the fields and CRLF for line (record) endings)
- Include field titles - if set to "on" the first line of the exported file will contain the field titles (leave this "on" if you plan to import the file back into In-portal after working with it)
- Export columns - lists the data columns available for export. Select and move to the left list box the columns you wish to export. If you plan to import the file back into In-portal later, consider including the "ProductId" column, as it will make it easier to update the products.
- Category format - controls how the categories should be exported. If "Category path in one field" is selected the category path of each product will be exported into one column separated by a character defined below, for example if the product is under "Books -> Fiction -> Dan Brown" the category field will contain "Books:Fiction:Dan Brown". If set to "One field for each category level", a field for each category level will be created and in the example above the resulting file will contain at least 3 columns titles "Category1","Category2" and "Category3" containing "Books", "Fiction", "Dan Brown" accordingly.
- Export filename - specify the filename of output file. The file will be created in the admin/export directory relative to the In-portal root directory and will be available for download immediately.