Listing type edit
From In-Portal User Manual
- ID – the internal ID of the listing type generated by the system, read-only.
- Name – the name of the listing type, as it will appear on the front end when selecting a listing type for enhanced listings, or checking the enhanced listings. If you don’t use In-commerce for processing enhanced listing payments, you may want to specify the listing price in this field, for example “Premium Listing - $9.99/month”.
- Duration – this is how long a listing will stay enhanced after approval of the enhanced listing request. The listing will automatically expire after this time passes, unless extended (renewed) by the user or the site administrator.
- Renewal reminder - how many days in advance should the enhanced listing renewal reminder be sent to the enhanced listing owners.
- Actions Upon Purchase – this group of fields specifies the actions that will be applied to the listing when enhanced request is approved. Please refer to the section In-Link/Managing Links/General of the manul for more information on the meaning of these settings. Each of the settings has ‘Unchanged’ option, in addition to the options described in section In-Link/Managing Links/General of the manual. The ‘Unchanged’ option specifies that no changes of the respective variable will take place when the enhanced listing is approved. It is recommended to use Editor’s Pick flag for enhanced listings, since it’s easy to configure In-link to display Editor’s Pick links above all other links. Priority may also be used to control the sorting on the front end. Another option is to add the enhanced listings to some special category. For example, the site administrator may create a category called “Premium Listings” and configure the listing type to add the links to this category upon purchase.
- Actions Upon Expiration – this group of fields specifies the actions that will be applied to the listing when the enhancement expires or is disabled by the system administrator. The options are the same as the Actions Upon Purchase described above. A common practice is to set the actions upon expiration to undo the actions applied upon purchase. This will turn the enhanced listing back to regular when it expires.